Programme Features
The timetable of the conference was planned to provide enough time for scientific presentations and discussions in the different fields of Clinical medicine and Intelligent devices, including but not limited to Clinical research, Pharmacology, Intelligent devices, Smart technologies. It also provides different slots where young researchers can present their work, such as oral/poster presentations from the submitted abstracts. In addition, we provide time for informal scientific discussions and networking, where early career stage researchers can meet the experts in round table discussions and social activities.
Keynote Speeches
Each keynote speaker will deliver a 30-35 min Keynote Speech.
Oral Presentation
Oral presentations will be selected from submitted papers. These will consist on 10 min talk + 5 min discussion.
Round Table Discussions
Round tables will be organized where recognized scientists will be available for informal scientific discussions on their held of expertise.
Posters will be displayed throughout the conference to provide enough time for discussion.